Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Killers of Humanity!!!!!

Peshawar school massacre slaughtering 132 kids, Gun point hostage at Lindt Chocolate Cafe in Sydney's Martin Place for 16 hours resulting in death of 2, Bomb Blast in Bangalore India killing 1 women and the recent shooting at French newspaper’s Paris office killing 12 marks the end of humanity on mother earth. The list does not stop here. Till date we have witnessed worst terrorist attacks killing innocents at sight. It’s like these radical groups lead by extremists leaders driven by religious ideologies just want to hurt innocents for no logical reason. And I would humbly request one and all, please do not blame Muslim community for these blood baths carried on by few radicals organizations.

As per the Terrorism report published by IEP (Institute of Economics and Peace), since 2000 there has been a fivefold increase in terrorist attacks and around 80% terrorist killings were in just five countries- Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria. However terrorism attacks cannot be regionalized as everybody suffers- physically and physiologically. The tactical attacks being carried out speak out loud about the strategic training delivered to terrorists. These rebels are armed with latest technological weapons and brilliant strategic planning. As per this report, Militant organization ISIL pays each member $ 400 per month along with a bonus every year with added premiums for a dependant. Many people joining these organizations are well educated and come from middle class families. In 2010 the estimated size of the Taliban was said to be 36,000 to 60,000. I seriously wonder what possibly can turn a human into a bomber killing innocents without a blink of eye.

I feel terrorism is a result of weak political arena and lack of legit governance. It affects working of a nation, group and individual rooting in fear to perform on global platform hence resulting in slowed economic growth and poverty.

This menace has been long standing now and need to be dealt with urgency and detailed tactical delivery. Leaders worldwide need to bring significant improvement in national security and counter terror intelligence groups so that this massacre can come to an end. 

Importantly we all need to stand up and be more vigilant in our own neighborhoods, whistling out an odd behavior yet respecting each and everyone’s religion and lastly nor least spread peace.
Let’s re-create a beautiful safe world so that our future generations can survive to see the beauty of our planet.

Say Yay Peace…. Yay peace…. Yay peace….


  1. I completely agree with everything you wrote,this crisis will end when nations sit and talk to resolve their disagreements and come to a solution with mutual understanding.When everybody's just and fair and nobody is oppressed or denied their rights.That will be a perfect world.

  2. What the extremists do is completely against Islam,one cannot kill innocent people.Islam says that if someone kills a person then he kills mankind,and children and women cannot be killed even in a war,so sad that there are some who are interpreting Islam differently.

  3. even sad is because of these radical rebels, innocents even kids are in danger.. i mean what happened in Peshawar school killing was pure barbaric. how can anyone put a bullet in a kid who does not even know that he is in danger... i am sure god is watching and crying along with us...
    but i seriously believe in karma.. what one sows one gets...
    having said so, world leaders need to act immediately.. its need of the hour..
