Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase each other doesn't make any sense. (Sufi Poet Rumi) Never did I hear about Rumi and his sayings. And by the way I am not into poets and poetry as I do not get their rhythm. But hearing this saying in a popular bollywood movie made me think about this “field”. I thought a lot but could not imagine being in that field and at last dropped the idea and got busy with my daily doings. I had to visit a dear friend’s wedding and the only gift she had reluctantly asked was a painting from me. Yes, I am into paintings but the last I did was some odd 2yrs back. And I had nothing to offer. So I shuffled through my last works and found one. Did few alterations, fixed more colours, gave a margin and it was hell ready. That’s when it struck me that this is the “field”, where I can go to any boundary. Any colour, any shape, any form does not matter, what matters is my love for that colour, that shape that form. While presenting her the painting she asked me “what is the painting reflecting?” and I was mesmerized by the field as the answers that I gave were completely different from what I had imagined while re-doing the painting. This is what I imply from Rumi, the field is so vast that I can feely think, do, say; believe in anything that I want. Sometimes it does take an event to bring you to your field. I am here and here for good.....