Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Quick First Aid tips!!!

Giving first aid to someone in need is something everyone should be aware with. Through this post, I would like to share the best practices as to how and what first aid to render.

Since both my parents are doctors, I was fully exposed to cases coming in the hospital for various diseases and concerns. First aid was one thing that my parents felt was vital for me to learn; and I would like to share with you all as well.

This can save a person who is ill in becoming a serious case and thus can save lives. Do not even try to give someone first aid unless you don’t know what to do. The wrong actions can do more harm than good. I have tried my best to jot down almost all important things. You can find many websites with detailed information as well.

Immediate call for help: if someone is hurt, first and foremost call ambulance and if any accident to report, both ambulance and police need to be called so that right action can be taken.

Urgent first aid: at times you cannot wait for help to reach and immediate aid should be delivered. For those cases, here are some important things to know
-          Do not move a person as there might be a broken bone or internal injuries
-          Do not give them any food or liquid as they might need an operation
-          In case you are sure that there are no broken bones, turn the victim to one side just to avoid choking
-          Do not overcrowd the victim so that breathing is easy
-          If victim can move, take them away from sun and under any shade
-          Always be clam and explain to the victim about the situation and say that help is on its way

Bleeding:  This can cause immediate death if the wound is bleeding strongly. In such cases, always press the wound with a sterile handkerchief or a towel for 10-12 minutes till help arrives.

Artificial respiration: In case the victim has stopped breathing, immediately start with artificial respiration. The best way to do this is mouth-to-mouth. Put the victim on their back, get down on your knees, press the nose together and place your mouth on victim’s mouth. You need to blow real hard so that the chest rises up. Repeat the procedure till the victim starts breathing.

Always keep a first aid kit in your car, house, and office so that at these immediate situations, right kit is available.

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