Saturday, April 18, 2009
No answerss...
Can we call ourselves a democracy? We say we have incompetent politicians, useless governments, out of date policies and what not. But why do we forget that we are the one who chose them once upon a time and if we have a problem we should stand up and blurt it out but do we ever do that? We’ll participate in discussions, will say what needs to be done and how but when it comes to doing it, we prefer going back to our homes and pass judgments on who is right or wrong. This holds true for me also as I am doing the same thing. So what is it that stops us from taking final step? I suppose comfort. Who will go out there and work that much? We already have thousand and one responsibilities on our head: work, family, career, money and so on. Times have changed, there are many young faces that are joining politics irrespective of the fact that they can be trusted or not. Although I feel corruption is at each and every level. We ourselves practice that using sources like our government employed parents, uncles or aunts to bypass long legal process and personally I won’t budge from taking that track. Where do we get that sense of responsibility for our own country from? No answers……
So yes life has changed big time after coming down to Hyderabad. It was pretty comfortable living in the capital, the chores were taken care either by family or my sweet friends. It’s a completely different experience taking care of each and every small errand. Ahh my only best companion, who’s put up with me even after coming down here: COFFEE!!!!

It was sheer joy when I noticed Barista near my office. Absorbing my cultural shock in many facets, it was definitely a blessing in disguise. Call it love for coffee, utter ambience or just a hang out, it’s been my second home and I love each and every part of it. Every day after office or maybe just a sip before starting the day, takes me to a different level altogether. The numbers barista people play just accelerates my energy level. Heard coffee’s not good, I don’t believe in that. Everything is awesome till the time you enjoy it. So, sip it up and relax down..
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Undefined blessed moment..
MOM.. Is it a human form of God or God himself? It’s challenging to define but definitely a blessing for life. I wonder the feelings God himself must have had while creating a mother. Gathering every possible emotion, sensibility, bravery, sensitivity in one single soul does call for an Oscar. Seeing my mom makes me feel proud of being a woman. The manner in which she manages our lives, home, her career, relation with Dad and all other relatives’ makes me question all these educational institutions “Who can make a good manager? Who can teach us the best?” For answers dive deep within. What a marvelous magnum opus. Since my childhood I have been wishing Mother’s day to mama but got the true essence behind this wish years later. Each and every moment I want to thank my mom as she gave up so many desires just to bring me in this world. I thank the whole universe as the moment came only because my mom desired for that. The instant a lady conceives a womb marks the birth of a beautiful moment in the entire universe. It means capable of unconditional love, loving for the sheer joy of loving. I am what I am today because of my mama only. The relation a mother shares with her child is beyond words. The way my mom cares and pampers me and my brother births a want of mothering a child myself. I feel it’s the easiest thing to do for a female because naturally she’s ready for it. Fatherhood is just an institution created by human although the unconditional sentiment for the child is similar as that of a mother. The way both parents create a nest to render the best love and happiness to their child is pure devotion. I feel because it was tough for God to be there for each and every child, he created a mother and a father. Life’s a stage and everyone needs a support to survive through thick and thin. But a mother is a single soul who can single handedly mother a child with equal love and passion. And the same holds true for a real father. I feel blessed to have parents. There are thousands of parentless children which make me crave more and more for my parent’s love. Someday I’ll play the same role to a soul and that will be the happiest day of my life. I extend my appreciation and gratitude to womanhood as well as fatherhood. Be proud parents and be proud children. Cherish this very moment of love. One can mother anyone, a plant, a pet, a thought or even you. The moment is now. Thank you mama and papa. I love you.
Want of more..
It was my best summer vacations. I still wonder what is about the Great Himalayas that lures tourists the most. Is it the serenity or just the want of cutting off from the rest of the world? A lot have been said and written about this loftiest chain of mountains and still it’s hard to put it in words. It’s a home to a plethora of glaciers and civilization. There are various destinations that can be experienced with a feel of variation in climate, people, culture and so many other facets. Just a mystic glaze of horizon makes our souls fly high. The fresh air rendered to our hungry lungs, cool breeze playing with our hair and the sense of pride of being an integral part of God’s master piece. Since I belong to Punjab, I myself had many opportunities to visit this spectacular terrain. This blog is just a sincere yet incomplete effort of putting its beauty in words. I had a chance to visit my aunt in ladakh two years back. Both my parents are always ready to witness any beauty, so they chalked out that we all will travel to our destination through Jammu and Kashmir. Mind it the journey is breathtaking although very long. The longest tunnel marks the beauty of Kashmir. Wherever you halt, you’ll find number of fruit hawkers with colorful cherries and fruits to charm you. The road travel is the best medium provided you actually want to inhale the exquisiteness. Terrorism and trouble is one blockage that restricts access to certain hot spots. Leaving behind Srinagar and moving towards J&K border, the army area Sonamarg comes. Take my word the area is heaven. With a population of a minimal of 10 families and two dhabas, it homes a beautiful glacier. Moving ahead is not at all easy. From the border an army caravan covered us and we started ahead towards Zozi la pass. The beauty is divine. It is scary also, but then my god how do I narrate it. It’s like being with God, far away from the hush hush of our materialistic world, viewing army personnel who stays there for months all together so that we get a peaceful sleep. The view gave a birth to a very different patriotic feeling. Being at the nose of Pakistan’s watch doesn’t make the beauty less magnificent. The moment we entered Ladakh area, it was like an unfertile land with chilly wind and hot sun which carved its way into my heart. I can feel that spectacular feeling even today. Miles and miles cover not even a green patch of land, no human race till hours of journey and when you reach any small village, it’s just a count of a max of 10 families and the staple food is Maggie which came as a blessing for my cousin sister. When we reached our destination it was like I am not the part of the world I came from, I wanted to settle down in this scenic land of Gods with monasteries and rejuvenate my soul and body. It’s so peaceful yet tough to survive considering the terrain and climate. Hopefully even that might happen someday. Altogether the experience births the greed of visiting this God’s landscape again. And I believe the moment will definitely come again.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Media’s new face!!!
Clearly the Indian media has improvised and enhanced big time. The way Indian polls are being covered, the reality bytes given to the citizens every day and the discussions platform being created every second exposing the true picture is phenomenal. The way media roofed the Mumbai attacks had its own pros and cos. Important information regarding our army’s strategies got leaked but on the same hand the whole world got the chill of the attack. And most importantly it gave birth to the newly improved movement against terrorism. People from every fabric of the society came forward in pitching out their voice. Take our elections; we can see most of our prominent politicians spending time in calling bad names on each other and their work. They’ll never talk regarding their productive works, their results and the way ahead. Thanks to the media we can actually decide upon our votes. It was media who highlighted the issue of Tyler being given a ticket to contest, a journalist threw a shoe at Mr. Chidambaram, the loop holes in our security system and the list adds up every day but media does crosses its limits at times and that’s where we need to fence it up, which is next to impossible as these fences defines different definitions to individuals. Most of the news shown is just to increase the TRP and certain programmes are merely money generators. The way massacres are covered, questioning done with the victims is heart piercing and certain fake superstitious shows aired clearly depicts that at times media is desperate for gossip and in order to cover up their TRP's the effort goes senseless. Being a responsible citizen it’s our duty here to voice up and make a change again. That’s how revolutions come and we evolve.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Life!!!! All it is..
That’s what it starts with. STRUGGLE!!!!!
Life’s never a bed of roses, that’s just a saying. I never gave this phrase that importance than today. I was really looking forward to this one thing in the coming days but it seemed like not working out. I was pretty furious but one thing I am so grateful to bhagwanji (God) for is: he puts a blessing in every struggle. May be a stroke is what is required for me to learn certain things. I have been madly into work, work and only work and after today I am like dying to go home once, shop with mom, fight with my brother, sit with dad, and bitch with my friends. God, I really miss all this. I have faced this struggling phase earlier also and things have always fallen into place but I suppose where I lack is “patience”. Everybody around is cribbing and desiring for things in life and blaming situations and God for the failures. I feel bhagwanji has his own ways of teaching everyone. This is where we still need to evolve. Its like this thick layer of materialism stuck in our souls and it does take good guts to cut through. I feel bhagwanji gives us ample chances to evolve, then what is that is stopping us? Uncomfort. It does take that extra effort to cross an ocean. And that’s where we tend to give up. I try to be positive all the time but when it takes time for a certain thing to happen I lose the struggle there. Then also I feel bhagwanji has his own ways, he makes sure the proper help is lended to the one in need. I feel blessed that I am going through this vicious circle as I am learning so much day by day and the one lesson that I am not able to incorporate is paitence, and bhagwanji is repeating situations again and again till the time I am through with it. What an awsum life!!!!
Life’s never a bed of roses, that’s just a saying. I never gave this phrase that importance than today. I was really looking forward to this one thing in the coming days but it seemed like not working out. I was pretty furious but one thing I am so grateful to bhagwanji (God) for is: he puts a blessing in every struggle. May be a stroke is what is required for me to learn certain things. I have been madly into work, work and only work and after today I am like dying to go home once, shop with mom, fight with my brother, sit with dad, and bitch with my friends. God, I really miss all this. I have faced this struggling phase earlier also and things have always fallen into place but I suppose where I lack is “patience”. Everybody around is cribbing and desiring for things in life and blaming situations and God for the failures. I feel bhagwanji has his own ways of teaching everyone. This is where we still need to evolve. Its like this thick layer of materialism stuck in our souls and it does take good guts to cut through. I feel bhagwanji gives us ample chances to evolve, then what is that is stopping us? Uncomfort. It does take that extra effort to cross an ocean. And that’s where we tend to give up. I try to be positive all the time but when it takes time for a certain thing to happen I lose the struggle there. Then also I feel bhagwanji has his own ways, he makes sure the proper help is lended to the one in need. I feel blessed that I am going through this vicious circle as I am learning so much day by day and the one lesson that I am not able to incorporate is paitence, and bhagwanji is repeating situations again and again till the time I am through with it. What an awsum life!!!!
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